Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Honesty really IS the best policy.

I'm writing in response to a classmate (Ashley Bright) who's blog post can be for here: Honesty is the Best Policy. I think her article was very well written and professional, and I completely agree with her. Regardless of your political views it is 100% necessary that you are honest in matters such as these.
It's especially despicable that our nations leaders are the ones who are spreading these lies... The fact that they do it for their own personal gain more than for the gain of their constituents is especially disheartening. I'm utterly disgusted in the fact that people who we look to for decisions that affect all of us and the way we live our every day lives. It's just gross.
Partisanship should play no role in the fact that they're trying to make decisions on a daily basis which affect everyone under them. It is honestly stupid that people who are paid to speak for a group are not speaking for a group, but instead for themselves...

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