Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Revieweing "Some of the nation's leading executives drop opposition to boosting taxes on wealthiest Americans"

In the article "Some of the nation's leading executives drop opposition to boosting taxes on wealthiest Americans" the author Meteor Blades explains how after continuing amounts of pressure are put on the upper class, some of them are giving in to demands for higher taxes. Many of them are stating to see that they really don't have very many good reasons for why they aren't paying higher taxes. The author does a great job of using topic oriented language that helps explain his point very well. In my opinion the authors target audience is clearly anyone interested in taxing or not taxing the upper class more. He appeals to both democrats and republicans in this article saying that both can work together to find this compromise. Democrats and Republicans alike are giving in to the demands therefor they should be able to come to a consensus. They say that the idea of raising their taxes could lessen the burden of the government and could lead to corporate taxes being lower, therefor they're willing to pay a slightly higher tax on their part. The author explained the over-all meaning of the article well and got his point across. The author is a very credible and long time blogger for the daily kos. He is actually named Timothy Lange and has over 6000 published blog posts. His argument that many of the "top 2%" are cracking under the pressure is brought up with much evidence, such as direct quotes from some of the people who are now willing to pay higher taxes.

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